Coast Diagnostics is a leader in providing fast, accurate COVID-19 results to practitioners across the Southeast. We provide one of the best turnaround times in the industry, with results reported in 24 hours and a cash price of $50.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said there are three use cases for serological tests:

  • They could one day help support decision making as to whether people can return to work

  • They could determine the people who may qualify for vaccination once it is available

  • They could identify individuals who have recovered to see if they can donate plasma that may be used as a treatment for people with severe forms of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus


Note: COVID-19 by RT-PCR is reported as Not Detected (Negative) or Detected (Positive). Inconclusive results may be reported if one or more viral marker is not present in the sample. Inconclusive results are rerun for verification in the laboratory and, if a second inconclusive result is found, a recollect will be requested from the provider per EUA.

  • COVID-19 by RT-PCR (EUA information) [Accepting Cash and Credit payment of $50.]

  • COVID-19 IgG Antibody [Accepting Cash and Credit Payment of $50.]

